Police open fire on protestors in Papua New Genuiea
Thousands of students have been protesting & boycotting classes for weeks amid growing political unrest at the University of Papua New Guinea in Port Moresby.
Police opened fire on a student affirmation at a university campus in Papua New Guinea & on the public outside the capital's hospital. Wounding more than a dozen people and killing as many as four.
The island nation has been increasingly gripped by political unrest in recent weeks amid calls for Prime Minister Peter O'Neill to resign over corruption allegations. A Port Moresby General Hospital admissions official said clashes had erupted between police and members of the public after several wounded students were brought to the hospital for treatment.
\r\n\r\n"Now there is a very big clash with the public and with the police just outside the Port Moresby General Hospital," the hospital official told Reuters by telephone from the admissions department. "There is also shooting going on, open gunfire."
\r\n\r\nA major aid agency, which declined to be named as its report was preliminary, said it had information from the university clinic that at least 15 students were wounded, with four killed. Video on social media appeared to show students fleeing amid clouds of tear gas and the sound of gunfire.