Crown of Islamic Jurisdiction Azhari Miyan took last breath

The Azhar \"pride of Azhar\", Grand mufti Sayedi Allama Akhtar Reza Azhari said final bye to the world on 20th July 2018 at 7.25 PM.
A huge loss for sunni world. The treasure of knowledge, tiger of Islam, a real sufi of the era, a great scholar - preacher, Guide to heaven, Crown of Islamic jurisdiction \"Grandson of Ala HAZRAT - Allama Akhtar Reza Azhari\" took his last breath. This is an irremediable loss
A renowned Sunni Barelvi cleric, Azhari had occupied 24th place in the annual list of 500 “most powerful and influential Muslims” across the world, a record prepared by the Jordanian think tank, Royal Islamic Strategic Study Centre (RISSC), affiliated with the Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought in Amman. The RISSC publication highlights people who have influenced and benefitted others within the Muslim community through their practice of Islam. Azhari was one of the few Indians to regularly feature in the list.
Azhari had crores of followers across the country. As news of his demise broke in Bareilly, a large number of people rushed to Dargah Aala Hazrat to pay their respects to the chief cleric. Azhari was the great grandson and successor of one of the most distinguished sub-continental Islamic scholars in history, Ahmad Raza Khan, popularly known as Aala Hazrat.
An author of more than 50 books on Islamic theology and thought in Urdu and Arabic, Azhari inspired hundreds of scholars. After receiving his basic education at the Manzar-e-Islam madrassa of the Dargah Aala Hazrat and Islamia Inter College, Bareilly, he pursued higher studies at Al-Azhar University, Egypt. He was honoured with the prestigious ‘Fakhre Azhar’ (pride of Azhar) award by the university.
Lakhs of people have been gathered for attending the blessed janaza salah.
Bareily, India